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Professional Tax Slabs in India 2024 Guide

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Professional Tax Slabs in India 2024 Guide: In this comprehensive guide, we provide detailed information on the professional tax slabs in India for the year 2024. 

Whether you are a business owner, a salaried individual, or self-employed, understanding the tax slab rates is crucial for seamless financial planning and compliance with the professional tax regulations. 

Professional tax is a tax levied by state governments on individuals engaged in employment or practicing professions. The tax amount is based on their income, and each income bracket has a different specified tax amount. 

The professional tax compliance requirements include registration, timely payment, and filing of returns. Non-payment or delayed payment can lead to penalties.

Note: No other states have Professional Tax, except the lis of states available in dropdown below.

PT Slabs India

    Key Takeaways:

    • Professional tax is a state tax levied on individuals engaged in employment or practicing professions.
    • The professional tax slabs in India for 2024 vary based on the individual's income and are categorized into different slabs with specific tax rates.
    • Compliance with the professional tax regulations includes registration, timely payment, and filing of returns. Failing to comply with the regulations may lead to penalties.

    What is Professional Tax?

    Professional tax is a state tax levied on individuals engaged in employment or practicing professions. The tax generated through the professional tax is utilized to develop and maintain state infrastructure, education, and healthcare. The rate of the professional tax and the income slabs on which it applies varies across state governments. 

    For instance, states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh have a fixed rate of professional tax, whereas states like Tamil Nadu have a progressive rate based on the income earned. As defined under Article 276 of the Indian Constitution, professional tax is a source of revenue for the state to fund welfare initiatives, activities, and schemes for its citizens. 

    It is an essential contribution to fulfilling the state's financial responsibilities towards its development and growth. Instituted under specific state legislation, professional tax is an important revenue source for state governments and provides a way to tax individuals outside of income tax. 

    It serves as an additional source of revenue for the state while providing bearing capacity to the burden of employment taxes on the employers. To ensure professional tax compliance, taxpayers must engage with the state tax authorities in the registration and payment of the tax as required by the local law.

    Professional Tax Slabs in India 2024 Guide

    Professional Tax Slab Rates in India 2024

    The Professional tax slabs in India for 2024 are classified into four categories based on the taxpayer's income. Each category has its specific tax rate as per the guidelines set by the respective state governments.

    The tax rate within each slab is categorized into different income brackets based on the individual's earnings. These slabs and income brackets differ based on taxpayer classifications. The tax rate for a taxpayer classification also varies based on the income bracket.

    Taxpayer ClassificationIncome BracketsTax Rates
    IndividualsUp to INR 2,50,000No Tax Liability
    INR 2,50,001 - INR 5,00,000Varies based on income bracket
    Other than Individuals (Employers)Up to INR 10,000 per monthNo Tax Liability
    Above INR 10,000 per monthVaries based on number of employees

    Individuals earning up to INR 2,50,000 annually are exempt from professional tax. For the second slab, individuals with earnings between INR 2,50,001 and INR 5,00,000 are subject to a particular tax rate based on their specific income bracket.

    The third slab is for individuals earning between INR 5,00,001 and INR 10,00,000. For this slab, the tax rate is higher than the first two, and once again, the rate varies based on the taxpayer's income bracket. 

    Individuals earning above INR 10,00,000 per annum fall in the fourth slab and face the highest professional tax rate. Understanding the professional tax slabs in India's varied tax rates helps comply with the regulations and plan finances accordingly.

    Slab 1: Income up to INR 2,50,000

    According to the professional tax slabs in India for 2024, the first slab applies to individuals with an income up to INR 2,50,000 per annum. Individuals who fall in this bracket are exempt from professional tax and have no tax liability. 

    This exemption serves as a relief to those who fall in the lowest income bracket, ensuring that they are not burdened with additional taxes.

    Slab 2: Income between INR 2,50,001 and INR 5,00,000

    The second slab is for individuals earning between INR 2,50,001 and INR 5,00,000 annually. They fall in the low-income tax bracket and are subject to a specific PT rate based on their income bracket. The detailed tax amount can be derived from the official tax guidelines.

    Slab 3: Income between INR 5,00,001 and INR 10,00,000

    The third slab of the professional tax in India for 2024 is for individuals with an annual income between INR 5,00,001 and INR 10,00,000, falling under the moderate-income tax bracket. As per the professional tax guidelines, individuals in this slab are subject to a specific professional tax rate.

    Income BracketTax Rate
    INR 5,00,001 - INR 7,50,000INR 2,000
    INR 7,50,001 - INR 10,00,000INR 2,500

    Understanding the specific tax rates for this slab is essential for accurate financial planning. Make sure to consult with a tax advisor to ensure timely and correct payment of professional tax within the due dates to avoid penalties and other late payment charges.

    Slab 4: Income above INR 10,00,000

    Individuals falling under the high-income tax bracket, earning above INR 10,00,000 per annum, are subject to the maximum professional tax rate specified under the regulations. 

    This slab denotes the highest tax liability among all the professional tax slabs in India for 2024. It is imperative to understand the specific details regarding this tax slab to ensure compliance and avoid any penalties.

    Professional Tax Compliance in India

    Compliance with professional tax regulations is vital to fulfill one's obligations as a taxpayer in India. Below are the essential compliance requirements:

    PT Registration

    Every individual or business entity must register for professional tax once they become eligible. The eligibility criteria vary across different states in India, and registration requirements can also differ. Generally, registration must be done within 30 days of becoming liable for professional tax.

    Payment Deadlines

    Professional tax payments must be made by the due date specified by the state government. Late fees and penalties apply for failure to comply with payment deadlines. 

    It's important to check with your state government for accurate due dates and ensure timely payment to avoid financial implications.

    Filing Requirements

    Professional tax compliance requires regular filing of returns as per the state government's guidelines. The filing frequency may vary based on the taxpayer's classification, and it's crucial to file accurately and within the specified deadlines to avoid penalties.


    Non-compliance with professional tax regulations can result in significant penalties. The penalty amount varies based on the offense and the length of delay, and late payment fees may also apply. Penalties can escalate if non-compliance persists, leading to legal action by the government authorities.

    Professional Tax Exemptions and Deductions

    Professional Tax (PT), a mandatory tax in India, has certain exemptions and deductions that can help taxpayers lower their tax liability. Here are some of the eligible deductions:

    • Standard Deduction: As per the 2024 Budget, a standard deduction of INR 50,000 is applicable to salaried individuals, which can be claimed as a deduction from their taxable income.
    • Transport Allowance: A maximum deduction of INR 1,600 per month or INR 19,200 annually can be claimed as a deduction against the amount of PT payable.
    • Interest on Education Loan: Individuals who have taken an education loan can claim deductions for the interest paid on the loan under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act. This deduction can reduce the tax liability by the amount of interest paid on the loan.

    PT Exemptions

    Some individuals and categories of workers are exempt from paying professional tax. Here are some of the common exemptions:

    Senior CitizensIndividuals aged 65 years or above are exempt from paying PT.
    Physically DisabledIndividuals with a disability of 40% or more are exempt from paying PT.
    Widows and Single WomenWidows and single women are exempt from paying PT in some states of India.

    It's essential to understand the eligible deductions and exemptions to ensure effective tax planning and lower your tax liability.

    Penalties for Non-Payment or Delayed Payment

    Compliance with professional tax is mandatory in India, and failure to pay the tax on time can lead to severe penalties. Penalties are imposed on individuals and businesses that fail to comply with the regulations, resulting in late payment charges and other consequences.

    The PT penalties for non-payment or delayed payment vary depending on the duration of non-compliance and the amount of tax outstanding. The longer the delay, the higher the penalty, and the default consequences can be severe.

    Late Payment Charges

    If an individual or business fails to pay professional tax within the stipulated deadline, late payment charges are imposed. The late payment charge is calculated as a percentage of the outstanding tax amount and can reach up to 1.5% per month.

    Default Consequences

    If the tax remains unpaid for an extended period, the authorities can initiate proceedings against the individual or business for non-compliance. They can also place a lien on the defaulter's assets, leading to legal consequences.

    Penalty Details

    The penalty amount is based on the duration of non-compliance and the outstanding tax amount. The penalty is calculated as a percentage of the unpaid tax amount and can range from 10% to 50% of the outstanding tax. The defaulters must be aware of the penalty details to avoid any legal hassle for non-compliance. 

    Therefore, it's essential to ensure timely payment of professional tax to avoid any penalties or default consequences. Seek professional guidance from a tax advisor for personalized assistance in tax compliance and plan your financials accordingly.

    Changes in Professional Tax Slabs in India Over the Years

    The professional tax slabs in India have witnessed several changes over the years in response to the evolving tax structure. Being aware of these historical revisions is crucial for accurate tax planning. Previously, the professional tax slabs were primarily based on income brackets. 

    However, with the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), several states have revised their professional tax rates. These changes are aimed at generating more revenue for the state governments.

    For example, in Maharashtra, the professional tax slabs were restructured in 2018, and the tax rates were reduced for different income brackets. Similarly, Gujarat revised its professional tax rates in 2019, resulting in a reduction in the tax burden for taxpayers.

    Earlier, several states imposed a cap on the maximum professional tax payable by an individual. However, this cap has been removed in several states, resulting in a higher tax liability for high-income earners.

    Changes in Professional Tax Slabs in Select States

    State: Maharashtra

    Year: 2018
    Previous Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 7,500 - No tax
    • INR 7,501 - INR 10,000 - INR 175/month
    • INR 10,001 and above - INR 200/month

    Revised Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 7,500 - No tax
    • INR 7,501 - INR 10,000 - INR 125/month
    • INR 10,001 and above - INR 300/month

    State: Gujarat

    Year: 2019
    Previous Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 3,00,000 - No tax
    • INR 3,00,001 - INR 6,00,000 - INR 80/month
    • INR 6,00,001 and above - INR 100/month

    Revised Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 2,40,000 - No tax
    • INR 2,40,001 - INR 3,00,000 - INR 80/month
    • INR 3,00,001 - INR 6,00,000 - INR 150/month
    • INR 6,00,001 and above - INR 200/month

    State: West Bengal

    Year: 2020
    Previous Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 8,500 - No tax
    • INR 8,501 - INR 10,000 - INR 110/month
    • INR 10,001 and above - INR 200/month

    Revised Tax Slabs:

    • Up to INR 8,500 - No tax
    • INR 8,501 - INR 10,000 - INR 125/month
    • INR 10,001 - INR 15,000 - INR 174/month
    • INR 15,001 and above - INR 234/month

    Consulting with a tax advisor can help you make sense of these historical PT rates and understand their impact on your tax liability.


    In conclusion, the professional tax slabs in India for 2024 play a significant role in individuals' financial planning and compliance with the regulations. It is essential to understand the tax rates, taxpayer classifications, and income brackets to calculate the tax liability accurately.

    We explored the different slabs, starting from individuals earning up to INR 2,50,000 and those earning above INR 10,00,000 per annum. We also discussed compliance requirements, exemptions, deductions, and penalties, ensuring you have the necessary information to meet the professional tax obligations.

    Staying informed and up-to-date with the historical revisions in professional tax rates will help you plan your finances effectively. Consulting a tax advisor can provide personalized guidance for your specific circumstances.

    Ensure to comply with the professional tax regulations to avoid penalties, late charges, and other consequences of non-compliance. With adequate planning and adherence to the regulations, you can ensure seamless tax compliance and avoid any legal issues.


    What is professional tax?

    Professional tax is a tax levied by state governments on individuals engaged in employment or practicing professions. It is collected to generate revenue for the respective state governments.

    What are the professional tax slab rates in India for 2024?

    The professional tax slab rates in India for 2024 vary based on individual income. These rates are categorized into different slabs, each with its own specified tax amount. The slabs are further divided based on taxpayer classifications and income brackets.

    What is the tax liability for individuals earning up to INR 2,50,000?

    Individuals earning up to INR 2,50,000 per annum have no tax liability and are exempt from professional tax.

    What is the tax rate for income between INR 2,50,001 and INR 5,00,000?

    Individuals earning between INR 2,50,001 and INR 5,00,000 annually are subject to a specific tax rate based on their income bracket. The detailed tax amount can be derived from the official tax guidelines.

    What is the tax rate for income between INR 5,00,001 and INR 10,00,000?

    Individuals with an annual income between INR 5,00,001 and INR 10,00,000 are subject to a different professional tax rate as per the guidelines. Understanding the specific tax rates for this slab is essential for accurate financial planning.

    What is the tax rate for income above INR 10,00,000?

    Individuals with an annual income exceeding INR 10,00,000 face the maximum professional tax rate specified under the regulations. It's important to be aware of the specific details regarding this tax slab to ensure compliance.

    What are the compliance requirements for professional tax in India?

    To comply with professional tax regulations in India, individuals and employers must be aware of the PT registration process, payment deadlines, filing requirements, and the penalties for non-compliance.

    Are there any exemptions or deductions available for professional tax?

    Though professional tax is compulsory, certain exemptions and deductions are available to taxpayers. This section explores the exemptions and deductions permitted under professional tax regulations, which can help individuals save on their tax liability.

    What are the penalties for non-payment or delayed payment of professional tax?

    Non-payment or delayed payment of professional tax can result in penalties. This section outlines the consequences of non-compliance, such as late payment charges and other penalties imposed by the authorities. Familiarizing yourself with these penalties will help ensure timely tax payment.

    How have the professional tax slabs in India changed over the years?

    The professional tax slabs in India have undergone revisions over the years. This section provides an overview of the changes in tax rates, helping you understand the evolving tax structure. Staying updated with these historical revisions is important for accurate tax planning.

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