The 7th pay commission pay matrix has brought significant changes to the salary structure of government employees in India.
One of the most important aspects of this change is the new pay matrix, which provides a simplified, transparent, and rationalized salary structure.
Let's look into the pay matrix for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800, covering Levels 1 to 5 within Pay Band-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200).
7th Pay Commission Calculator
What is the Pay Matrix?
The pay matrix is a single table that shows the progression of salaries across different levels and pay bands.
It replaces the previous pay structure, which was based on pay scales and grade pay, making it easier to understand and implement.
The pay matrix consists of various levels, each corresponding to a specific grade pay and pay band.
Overview of Grade Pay and Pay Bands
Before we dive into the specific levels, let's understand the concepts of Grade Pay and Pay Bands:
- Grade Pay: A fixed amount paid over the basic pay to employees based on their position and years of service.
- Pay Band: A range of pay scales that a group of employees fall into. PB-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200) is one of the most common pay bands for entry-level and junior-level positions.
7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800
Level 1 (Grade Pay 1800)
- Pay Band: ₹5200 - ₹20200
- Level: 1
- Initial Pay: ₹18000
Level 2 (Grade Pay 1900)
- Pay Band: ₹5200 - ₹20200
- Level: 2
- Initial Pay: ₹19900
Level 3 (Grade Pay 2000)
- Pay Band: ₹5200 - ₹20200
- Level: 3
- Initial Pay: ₹21700
Level 4 (Grade Pay 2400)
- Pay Band: ₹5200 - ₹20200
- Level: 4
- Initial Pay: ₹25500
Level 5 (Grade Pay 2800)
- Pay Band: ₹5200 - ₹20200
- Level: 5
- Initial Pay: ₹29200
7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix |
Detailed Pay Matrix for Grade Pay 4200 to 5400
Detailed Pay Matrix for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800
- Grade Pay 1800 to 2800 - Level 1 to Level 5, PB-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200)
Detailed Pay Matrix Table for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800
Below is a detailed pay matrix table for Levels 1 to 5 within PB-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200):
Grade Pay | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | ₹18000 | ₹19900 | ₹21700 | ₹25500 | ₹29200 |
2 | ₹18500 | ₹20500 | ₹22400 | ₹26300 | ₹30100 |
3 | ₹19100 | ₹21100 | ₹23100 | ₹27100 | ₹31000 |
4 | ₹19700 | ₹21700 | ₹23800 | ₹27900 | ₹31900 |
5 | ₹20300 | ₹22400 | ₹24500 | ₹28700 | ₹32900 |
6 | ₹20900 | ₹23100 | ₹25200 | ₹29600 | ₹33900 |
7 | ₹21500 | ₹23800 | ₹26000 | ₹30500 | ₹34900 |
8 | ₹22100 | ₹24500 | ₹26800 | ₹31400 | ₹35900 |
9 | ₹22800 | ₹25200 | ₹27600 | ₹32300 | ₹37000 |
10 | ₹23500 | ₹26000 | ₹28400 | ₹33300 | ₹38100 |
11 | ₹24200 | ₹26800 | ₹29300 | ₹34300 | ₹39200 |
12 | ₹24900 | ₹27600 | ₹30200 | ₹35300 | ₹40400 |
13 | ₹25600 | ₹28400 | ₹31100 | ₹36400 | ₹41600 |
14 | ₹26400 | ₹29300 | ₹32000 | ₹37500 | ₹42800 |
15 | ₹27200 | ₹30200 | ₹33000 | ₹38600 | ₹44100 |
16 | ₹28000 | ₹31100 | ₹34000 | ₹39800 | ₹45400 |
17 | ₹28800 | ₹32000 | ₹35000 | ₹41000 | ₹46800 |
18 | ₹29700 | ₹33000 | ₹36100 | ₹42200 | ₹48200 |
19 | ₹30600 | ₹34000 | ₹37200 | ₹43500 | ₹49600 |
20 | ₹31500 | ₹35000 | ₹38300 | ₹44800 | ₹51100 |
21 | ₹32400 | ₹36100 | ₹39400 | ₹46100 | ₹52600 |
22 | ₹33400 | ₹37200 | ₹40600 | ₹47500 | ₹54200 |
23 | ₹34400 | ₹38300 | ₹41800 | ₹48900 | ₹55800 |
24 | ₹35400 | ₹39400 | ₹43100 | ₹50400 | ₹57500 |
25 | ₹36500 | ₹40600 | ₹44400 | ₹51900 | ₹59200 |
26 | ₹37600 | ₹41800 | ₹45700 | ₹53500 | ₹61000 |
27 | ₹38700 | ₹43100 | ₹47100 | ₹55100 | ₹62800 |
28 | ₹39900 | ₹44400 | ₹48500 | ₹56800 | ₹64700 |
29 | ₹41100 | ₹45700 | ₹50000 | ₹58500 | ₹66600 |
30 | ₹42300 | ₹47100 | ₹51500 | ₹60300 | ₹68600 |
31 | ₹43600 | ₹48500 | ₹53000 | ₹62100 | ₹70700 |
32 | ₹44900 | ₹50000 | ₹54600 | ₹64000 | ₹72800 |
33 | ₹46200 | ₹51500 | ₹56200 | ₹65900 | ₹75000 |
34 | ₹47600 | ₹53000 | ₹57900 | ₹67900 | ₹77300 |
35 | ₹49000 | ₹54600 | ₹59600 | ₹69900 | ₹79600 |
36 | ₹50500 | ₹56200 | ₹61400 | ₹72000 | ₹82000 |
37 | ₹52000 | ₹57900 | ₹63200 | ₹74200 | ₹84500 |
38 | ₹53600 | ₹59600 | ₹65100 | ₹76400 | ₹87000 |
39 | ₹55200 | ₹61400 | ₹67100 | ₹78700 | ₹89600 |
40 | ₹56900 | ₹63200 | ₹69100 | ₹81100 | ₹92300 |
This table organizes the pay levels and corresponding salaries for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800, covering Levels 1 to 5 within PB-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200).
Other Pay Matrix For 7th Pay Commission
Benefits of the 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix
Simplified Structure
The new pay matrix simplifies the salary structure, making it easier for employees to understand their pay scales and increments. This transparency helps in reducing confusion and discrepancies.
Transparent Progression
The pay matrix clearly outlines the progression of pay over different levels, ensuring that employees can see their potential career growth and salary increments over time.
Enhanced Benefits
With the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, employees benefit from increased salaries, improved allowances, and better retirement benefits. The new structure aims to provide a fair and equitable compensation system.
Example Calculation
To illustrate how the pay matrix works, let's take an example of an employee in Level 1 (Grade Pay 1800). If the employee's initial pay is ₹18000, the pay progression would look like this over the years:
- Year 1: ₹18000
- Year 2: ₹18500 (increment of ₹500)
- Year 3: ₹19000 (increment of ₹500)
- Year 4: ₹19500 (increment of ₹500)
- Year 5: ₹20000 (increment of ₹500)
The increments continue as per the level's specified increment rate until the employee reaches the maximum pay for that level.
How to Access the 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix
Employees can access the detailed 7th Pay Commission pay matrix through the official government portals.
It is crucial for employees to review their specific levels and corresponding pay scales to understand their salary structure better.
Steps to Access the Pay Matrix
- Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Ministry of Finance or the relevant government department.
- Navigate to the 7th Pay Commission Section: Look for the section dedicated to the 7th Pay Commission.
- Download the Pay Matrix: The pay matrix is available for download in PDF format. Review the document to find your specific level and pay details.
The 7th Pay Commission pay matrix for Grade Pay 1800 to 2800, covering Levels 1 to 5 within PB-1 (₹5200 to ₹20200), provides a transparent and rationalized salary structure for government employees.
By understanding the pay matrix, employees can better navigate their career progression and anticipate their salary increments.
This new structure not only simplifies the salary system but also ensures fair compensation for all government workers.
For more detailed information and to download the official pay matrix, visit the Ministry of Finance's website or consult with your respective department.
Stay informed and make the most of the benefits provided by the 7th Pay Commission.